The Foundation's Philosophy

Clicquot CollageThe Kimball Foundation makes grants almost exclusively to Rhode Island operatives (charities) or those benefiting Rhode Island residents and causes. Although, the Foundation considers gifts to all areas in the state, greater emphasis is placed on South County.

The Kimball Foundation is a broad based organization that gives to a wide variety of causes. The Foundation likes to match gifts from other foundations and businesses for a particular project, as well as, help start up projects and small organizations that are struggling - who without help might not be able to continue. The Foundation encourages charitable organizations, with a similar goal or purpose, to work together toward that end.

For the most part, the Foundation does not give large amounts to major capital projects. We do not fund feasibility studies, make multi-year commitments nor provide any funding for political endeavors. The Foundation does not give to religious orders unless it involves projects that benefit the entire population, i.e, youth activities, homeless services, etc.

The Foundation will consider any organization which has proper 501(c)(3) and 509(a) I.R.S. tax classification status.